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  1. How are shipping charges calculated?
    Shipping costs are based on the total weight of your order. USPS determines the shipping charge using weight and destination, with a minimum charge applied. Often, additional items can be added without increasing the shipping fee. Both domestic and international orders follow this calculation method. For detailed information, visit our Payment & Shipping page.
  1. Will I receive tracking information for my order?
    Yes! Once your order is shipped, our system sends an email with the tracking number to the email address you provided. Ensure your email address is valid to avoid missing this notification. 
  1. What if my tracking information hasn't been updated for a few days?
    This is a common occurrence. In most cases, it’s due to a missed scan at a USPS facility, and the package is still on its way. Unfortunately, post offices only have access to the same tracking information we see on the USPS website. 
  1. What if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?
    We understand that online shopping can differ from in-person shopping. If your item doesn’t meet your expectations or needs, you have options:
  • Exchange the item for another product
  • Receive store credit
  • Request a refund
  • Email us at to discuss your situation. 
  1. Do you accept returns?
    Yes! Your satisfaction is important to us. We accept returns within 30 days of receiving your order, provided the item is in its original packaging with all components included. Before returning an item:
  • Email
  • Use First Class Mail for returns and send us the tracking number for reference.
  • Note: Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the item is incorrect or damaged.
  1. Can I contact someone about a product before ordering?
    Absolutely! Email us at with the item SKU, your intended use, and any relevant details. This ensures we can provide a quick and accurate response.
  1. What if I have questions about installing parts in my model?
    We’re here to help! Email with details about your project and the item you’re working with. We’ll assist as much as possible to support your build. 
  1. Do you offer custom decals or 3D-printed parts?
    Currently, we don’t provide custom work. For custom decals, we recommend contacting Terry at STS Decals. For custom 3D parts, let us know your needs, and we can direct you to designers who specialize in your requirements.